Soil Redemption
recovering microbiology
To scientifically demonstrate and share how the living soil microbiology maintains, sustains and restores soil health, plant health and ultimately human health, whilst saving the grower time, resources with an aim to increase profitablity
Soil Redemption is a certified Soil Food Web laboratory which provides biological soil reports. A microscope is used to assess the current condition of microbial activity in your soil, giving you the grower the data you need to optimise soil conditions, enabling you to grow the crops you desire to its maximum potential, saving you time, money and resources.

Life under the microscope
Receive a biological report

Who can benefit from a soil biological report?
Anybody who works with soil in some capacity can benefit from a Soil Food Web report. Whether you're a large or small scale grower, a home or community gardener, perhaps you're an environmentalist looking to recover land, I'd like to help you to understand that it's the microbiology that control the outcome of a soils function.
Dr Elaine Ingham discovered that a minimum amount of microbes is needed for plants to flourish in soil, she also observed that a microbes ratio count will create unique conditions for a particular plant or crop to grow, known as successional growing. Using the microscope we can count and assess the microbiology within your soil.
Sample reports can be generated from;
Garden beds
Landscapes/ Orchards
Compost teas and extracts
Growers moving off of chemical/ inorganic fertilisers

What is the Soil Food Web?
Fungi, Bacteria, Protozoa and Nematodes are names given to some of the microbiology that we are most interested in when it comes to soil health, as it's these creatures that help make up the 'soil food web'.
Plants photosynthesis and utilise the carbon from the atmosphere to supply the microbes in the soil with food (sugars) creating a continuous symbiotic relationship.
In return, the microbes (bacteria and fungi) create enzymes to excavate nutrients from the sand, silts and clays and bring them to roots of the plant. Before the plant can access these nutrients from inside the bacteria and fungus, they need to be transformed into a plant available form. Predator microbes are attracted to the root zone and they eat the bacteria and fungus, subsequently pooping out the nutrient rich content in a 'plant-available' form.